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MIPS Instruction Set Cheat Sheet

The MIPS Instruction Set Architecture is a reduced instruction set computer (RISC) architecture that is widely used in various computing systems. It provides a set of instructions that define the operations that a MIPS processor can perform. These instructions are designed to be simple, efficient, and easy to understand.

The MIPS Instruction Set offers a variety of instructions for data manipulation, arithmetic and logical operations, memory access, control flow, and input/output operations. Each instruction is represented by a specific binary code and performs a specific operation when executed by the processor.

Arithmetic Instructions

Some of these instructions have an unsigned version, which can be obtained by appending u to the opcode (e.g., addu, subu...)

Instruction Syntax Opcode Description
add(u) add(u) Rdest, Rsrc1, Rsrc2 100000 (100001) Adds two registers Rsrc1 and Rsrc2 into register Rdest
addi addi Rdest, Rsrc1, Imm 001000 (001001) Adds the immediate specified (Imm, a constant number) in the instruction to a value in register Rsrc1 into register Rdest
sub(u) sub(u) Rdest, Rsrc1, Rsrc2 100010 (100011) Put the difference of the integers from register Rsrc1 and Rsrc2 into register Rdest
subi(u) subi(u) Rdest, Rsrc1, Imm Put the difference of the integers from register Rsrc1 and a sign-extended immediate value Imm into register Rdest
mul(u) mul(u) Rdest, Rsrc1, Rsrc2 Multiply Rsrc1 and Rsrc2 into register Rdest
mult(u) mult(u) Rsrc1, Rsrc2 011000 (011001) Multiply Rsrc1 and Rsrc2. Less significant bits are saved to register lo, and more significant ones in register hi
div(u) div(u) Rsrc1, Rsrc2 011010 (011011) Divide Rscr1 and Rsrc2 into register Rdest
rem rem Rdest, Rsrc1, Rsrc2 Put the remainder from dividing the integer in register Rsrc1 by the integer in Rsrc2 into register Rdest
abs abs Rdest, Rsrc Put the absolute value of integer from register Rsrc into register Rdest
neg neg Rdest, Rsrc Put the negative of the integer from register Rsrc into register Rdest
rol rol Rdest, Rsrc1, Rsrc2 Rotate the contents of register Rsrc1 left by the distance indicated by Rsrc2 and put the result in register Rdest
ror ror Rdest, Rsrc1, Rsrc2 Rotate the contents of register Rsrc1 right by the distance indicated by Rsrc2 and put the result in register Rdest

Logic Instructions

Instruction Syntax Opcode Description
not not Rdest, Rsrc Put the bitwise logical negation of the integer from register Rsrc into register Rdest
and and Rdest, Rsrc1, Rsrc2 100100 Put the logical AND of the integers from register Rsrc1 and Rsrc2 into register Rdest
andi andi Rdest, Rsrc1, Imm 001100 Put the logical AND of the integers from register Rsrc1 and immediate value Imm into register Rdest
or or Rdest, Rsrc1, Rsrc2 100101 Put the logical OR of the integers from register Rsrc1 and Rsrc2 into register Rdest
ori ori Rdest, Rsrc1, Imm 001101 Put the logical OR of the integers from register Rsrc1 and immediate value Imm into register Rdest
nor nor Rdest, Rsrc1, Rsrc2 100111 Put the logical NOR of the integers from register Rsrc1 and Rsrc2 to register Rdest
xor xor Rdest, Rsrc1, Rsrc2 100110 Put the logical XOR of the integers from register Rsrc1 and Rsrc2 to register Rdest
xori xori Rdest, Rsrc1, Imm 001110 Put the logical XOR of the integers from register Rsrc1 and immediate value Imm into register Rdest

Comparison Instructions

Instruction Syntax Opcode Description
seq seq Rdest, Rsrc1, Rsrc2 pseudoinstruction Sets register Rdest to 1 if Rsrc1 = Rsrc2, else it is set to 0
sne sne Rdest, Rsrc1, Rsrc2 Sets Rdest to 1 if Rsrc1 != Rsrc2, else it is set to 0
sge(u) sge(u) Rdest, Rsrc1, Rsrc2 pseudoinstruction Sets register Rdest to 1 if Rsrc1 >= Rsrc2, else it is set to 0
sgt(u) sgt(u) Rdest, Rsrc1, Rsrc2 pseudoinstruction Sets register Rdest to 1 if Rsrc1 > Rsrc2, else it is set to 0
sle(u) sle(u) Rdest, Rsrc1, Rsrc2 pseudoinstruction Sets register Rdest to 1 if Rsrc1 <= Rsrc2, else it is set to 0
slt(u) slt(u) Rdest, Rsrc1, Rsrc2 101010 (101001) Sets Rdest to 1 if Rsrc1 < Rsrc2, else it is set to 0
slti(u) slti(u) Rdest, Rsrc1, Imm 001010 (001001) Sets Rdest to 1 if Rsrc1 < Imm, else it is set to 0

Branch and Jump Instructions

Instruction Syntax Opcode Description
b b lab pseudoinstruction Unconditionally branch to the instruction at label lab
beq beq Rsrc1, Rsrc2, label 000100 Conditionally branch to the instruction at the label if contents of register Rsrc1 = Rsrc2
bge bge Rsrc1, Rsrc2, label pseudoinstruction Conditionally branch to the instruction at the label if the contents of register Rscr1 >= Rsrc2
bgt bgt Rsrc1, Rsrc2, label pseudoinstruction Conditionally branch to the instruction at the label if the contents of register Rsrc1 > Rsrc2
ble ble Rsrc1, Rsrc2, label pseudoinstruction Conditionally branch to the instrucion at the label if the contents of register Rsrc1 <= Rsrc2
blt blt Rsrc1, Rsrc2, label pseudoinstruction Conditionally branch to the instruction at the label if contents of register Rsrc1 < Rsrc2
bne bne Rsrc1, Rsrc2, label 000101 Conditionally branch to the instruction at the label if contents of register Rsrc1 != Rsrc2
bnez bnez Rsrc1, label pseudoinstruction Conditionally branch on the instruction at the label if contents of register Rsrc1 != 0
beqz beqz, Rsrc1, label pseudoinstruction Conditionally branch on the instruction at the label if contents of register Rsrc1 = 0
bgez bgez, Rsrc1, label pseudoinstruction Conditionally branch on the instruction at the label if contents of register Rsrc1 >= 0
bgtz bgtz, Rsrc1, label 000111 Conditionally branch on the instruction at the label if contents of register Rsrc1 > 0
blez blez, Rsrc1, label 000110 Conditionally branch on the instruction at the label if contents of register Rsrc1 <= 0
bltz bltz, Rsrc1, label pseudoinstruction Conditionally branch on the instruction at the label if contents of register Rsrc1 < 0
jal jal label 000011 Unconditionally jump to the instruction at the label. Save the address of the next instruction in register $ra
jr jr Rsrc 001000 Unconditionally jump to the instruction whoose address is in register Rsrc

Instructions for Loading and Saving Values

Instruction Syntax Opcode Description
move move Rdest, Rsrc pseudoinstruction Move the contents of Rsrc to Rdest
li li Rdest, imm pseudoinstruction Move the immediate value imm into register Rdest
la la Rdest, addr pseudoinstruction Load computed address, not the contents of location, into register Rdest
lb lb Rdest, addr 100000 Load the byte at address into register Rdest
lh lh Rdest, addr 100001 Load the 16-bit quantity (halfword) at address into register Rdest
lw lw Rdest, addr 100011 Load the 32-bit quantity (word) at address into register Rdest
sb sb Rsrc, addr 101000 Store the low byte from register Rsrc at addr
sh sh Rsrc, addr 101001 Store the low halfword from register Rsrc at addr
sw sw Rsrc, addr 101011 Store the word from register Rsrc at addr

System Calls

Service Code in $v0 Arguments Result
print_int 1 $a0 = integer
print_float 2 $f12 = float
print_double 3 $f12 = double
print_string 4 $a0 = string address
read_int 5 int to $v0
read_float 6 float to $f0
read_double 7 double to $f0
read_string 8 $a0 = cache address, $a1 = buffer size
sbrk 9 address in $v0
exit 10 $a0 = integer
print_character 11 $a0 = character
read_character 12 character (in $v0)
open 13 $a0 = filename, $a1 = flags, $a2 = mode file descriptor (in $v0)
read 14 $a0 = file descriptor, $a1 = buffer, $a2 = count bytes read (in $v0)
write 15 $a0 = file descriptor,$a1 = buffer, $a2 = count bytes written (in $v0)
close 16 $a0 = file descriptor 0 (in $v0)
exit2 17 $a0 = value


Name Number Description
zero 0 Constant 0
at 1 Reserved for assembler
v0, v1 2, 3 Results of subroutine
a0-a3 4–7 Arguments 1–4
t0–t7 8–15 Temporary, their values are not saved during the call of subroutine
s0–s7 16–23 Saved temporary, their values are saved during the call of subroutine
t8, t9 24, 25 Temporary, their values are not saved
k0, k1 26, 27 Reserved for OS kernel
gp 28 Pointer to global area
sp 29 Stack pointer
fp 30 Frame pointer (if necessary)
ra 31 Return address

MIPS Assembler Directives

Name Description
.align Align next data item on specified byte boundary
.ascii Store the string in the Data segment (without NULL terminator)
.asciiz Store the string in the Data segment and add NULL terminator
.byte Store listed values as 8 bit types
.data Subsequent items stored in Data segment at next available address
.double Store the listed values as double precision floating point
.end_macro End macro definitions
.eqv Substitute second operand for first
.extern Declare the listed lable and byte lenght to a global data field
.float Store the listed values as single precision floating points
.globl Declare the listed values as global to enable referencing them from other files
.half Store the listed values as 16 bit halfwords on halfword boundary
.include Insert the contents of specified file (Filename in quotes)
.kdata Subsequent items stored in Kernel Data segment at next available address
.ktext Subsequent items stored in Kernel Text segment at next available address
.macro Begin macro definition
.set Set assembler variables
.space Reserve specified number of bytes in Data segment
.text Subsequent itmes stored in Text segment at next available address
.word Store the listed values as 32 bit words on word boundary

Author: Antonela Čerkez, Rafael Teodor Mirić, Matea Turalija