Preskoči na sadržaj

Dr. Vedran Miletić, principal investigator

"Ideas are organic entities," someone has said. The very fact of their birth endows them with form, and that form is action. He in whose brain the most ideas are born accomplishes the most. From that cause a genius, chained to an official desk, must die or go mad, just as it often happens that a man of powerful constitution, and at the same time of sedentary life and simple habits, dies of an apoplectic stroke.

Passions are naught but ideas in their first development; they are an attribute of the youth of the heart, and foolish is he who thinks that he will be agitated by them all his life. Many quiet rivers begin their course as noisy waterfalls, and there is not a single stream which will leap or foam throughout its way to the sea. That quietness, however, is frequently the sign of great, though latent, strength. The fulness and depth of feelings and thoughts do not admit of frenzied outbursts.

-- A Hero of Our Time by Mikhail Iurevich Lermontov

Dr. Vedran Miletić is the principal investigator of the Group for Applications and Services on Exascale Research Infrastructure (GASERI) and an assistant professor of computer science at Faculty of Informatics and Digital Technology, University of Rijeka. More information is available in his curriculum vitae.


Present research

The focus of my research work is heterogeneous, parallel, and distributed computing on high performance computers and in the cloud for computational chemistry applications. Presently, I am collaborating with Martina Ašenbrener Katić on research of distributed chemical compound database architectures that meet the scalability and reliability requirements of high-throughput virtual screening campaigns.

Past research

I was a postdoctoral researcher in professor Frauke Gräter's Molecular Biomechanics (MBM) group at Heidelberg Institute for Theoretical Studies (HITS). I was researching efficient ways to simulate breaking and formation of disulfide bonds in proteins as well as participating in development of free and open source software we used. Our developments can be found on GitHub.

I was also a postdoctoral researcher under the supervision of professor Mario Radovan at University of Rijeka Department of Informatics. I collaborated with assistant professor Željko Svedružić's Biomolecular Structure and Function (BioSF) Group at Department of Biotechnology. I was studying molecular modelling of biomolecules. I was concentrated on investigating reaction dynamics of protein–ligand interactions with molecular dynamics and nudged elastic band methods using quantum chemistry and QM/MM approaches.

I have done my PhD work under the supervision of professor Branko Mikac (retd.) at University of Zagreb Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computing (FER) Department of Telecommunications. My PhD research work has been focused on evaluation of optical telecommunication network reliability and availability using Monte Carlo method and optimization of routing and wavelength assignment. Additionally, I was focused on parallel execution of network simulation software.


I am leading the development of RxDock, a fork of rDock protein–ligand docking software developed at RxTx Research (in collaboration with Patrik Nikolić). (Feel free to contact me if you want to contribute to the project in any way.)

I am developing extensions and modifications of GROMACS molecular dynamics simulator in a number of different directions, but all designed with upstreaming in mind. Among others, I'm working on sliced pull and conditional stop. (Feel free to contact me with any questions or ideas.)

I was one of the developers of ns-3 network simulator. In particular, I was a developer of optical telecommunication network model called Photonic WDM Network Simulator (PWNS) (source code available on request; detailed description of the feature functionality is available in my PhD thesis).

Among other projects, I have contributed patches to LLVM and Mesa (part of Radeon open source Linux driver development effort), CP2K, LaTeX Beamer class, and others (detailed summary of my contributions can be found on OpenHub). Prior to contributing code to open source projects, I was a tester and web standards advocate for Mozilla and also tester and support for kX Project, an alternative driver for Sound Blaster Live! and Audigy cards developed to expand the potential of the EMU10kX DSPs.

I follow the development of tools such as NEPI/NEF/NETNS, IMUNES/CORE, OpenFlow, NDN, CUB, Modern GPU, NVBIO, and UGENE.


At Faculty of Informatics and Digital Technology (formerly Department of Informatics) I teach the following courses (teaching materials are available on GitHub under CC-BY-SA 4.0 license):

I taught Dynamic Web Applications 2 (TA: Milan Petrović) until 2021, Computer Networks 1 and Computer Networks 2 until 2020, since inherting the courses from professor Mario Radovan (retd.). I TA'd Parallel Programming on Heterogeneous Systems (developed from 2012. to 2016. in partnernship with NVIDIA under GPU Education Center (formerly CUDA Teaching Center) Program) and Distributed Systems until 2021, Operating Systems 2 until 2020, Operating Systems 1 until 2012, and Educational System Design until 2011, all courses instructed by professor Božidar Kovačić.

At Faculty of Engineering I TA'd Computer Networks course on undergraduate level in 2013 and 2014, instructed by professor Mladen Tomić. At Department of Biotechnology I TA'd Informatics in 2009 and taught it in 2019, 2020, and 2021.


I am a member of the Committee for Supercomputing Resources at University of Rijeka that is directing the activities of Centre for Advanced Computing and Modelling (CNRM) and supporting the users of the Bura supercomputer.

As a coordinator of the local Linux user group (LUG) HULK Rijeka, I regularly advocate for the usage and development of free and open source software (FOSS). In particular, we are organizing the observances of Document Freedom Day on a regular basis, where we promote the usage of LibreOffice, an open source office suite, and OpenDocument, an open standard format for office documents.

Finally, I stand for individual freedom which is constantly under threat from pervasive surveillance and unrestrained authoritarian governments. I appreciate and support the work of Electronic Frontier Foundation in this area.


Present projects

Past projects

Publications and presentations

Books and theses

Book chapters

  1. Nikolić, P., Miletić, V., Odorčić, I. & Svedružić, Ž. M. In Silico Optimization of the First DNA-Independent Mechanism-Based Inhibitor of Mammalian DNA Methyltransferase DNMT1. Epi-Informatics 113–153 (2016). doi:10.1016/B978-0-12-802808-7.00005-8

Research papers in journals

  1. Kutzner, C., Miletić, V., Palacio Rodríguez, K., Rampp, M., Hummer, G., de Groot, B.L. & Grubmüller, H. Scaling of the GROMACS Molecular Dynamics Code to 65k CPU Cores on an HPC Cluster. J. Comput. Chem. 46(5), e70059 (2025). doi:10.1002/jcc.70059 (WoSCC-SCIE, JIF: 3.4 -> Q2 (2023))
  2. Saftić Martinović, L., Birkić, N., Miletić, V., Antolović, R., Štanfel, D. & Wittine, K. Antioxidant Activity, Stability in Aqueous Medium and Molecular Docking/Dynamics Study of 6-Amino- and N-Methyl-6-amino-L-ascorbic Acid. Int. J. Mol. Sci. 24(2), 1410 (2023). doi:10.3390/ijms24021410 (WoSCC-SCIE, JIF: 4.9 -> Q2, article citations: 5)
  3. Svedružić, Ž. M, Vrbnjak, K., Martinović, M. & Miletić, V. Structural Analysis of the Simultaneous Activation and Inhibition of γ-Secretase Activity in the Development of Drugs for Alzheimer's Disease. Pharmaceutics 13(4), 514 (2021). doi:10.3390/pharmaceutics13040514 (WoSCC-SCIE, JIF: 6.525 -> Q1, article citations: 10)
  4. Herrera-Rodríguez, A., Miletić, V., Aponte-Santamaría, C. & Gräter, F. Molecular dynamics simulations of molecules in uniform flow. Biophys. J. 116(6), 621–632 (2019). doi:10.1016/j.bpj.2018.12.025 (WoSCC-SCIE, JIF: 3.854 -> Q1, article citations: 13)
  5. Franz, F., Aponte-Santamaría, C., Daday, C., Miletić, V. & Gräter, F. Stability of Biological Membranes upon Mechanical Indentation. J. Phys. Chem. B 122(28), 7073–7079 (2018). doi:10.1021/acs.jpcb.8b01861 (WoSCC-SCIE, JIF: 2.923 -> Q2, article citations: 3)
  6. Miletić, V., Odorčić, I., Nikolić, P. & Svedružić, Ž. M. In silico design of the first DNA-independent mechanism-based inhibitor of mammalian DNA methyltransferase Dnmt1. PLOS ONE 12(4), e0174410 (2017). doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0174410 (WoSCC-SCIE, JIF: 2.766 -> Q1, article citations: 17)

Research papers in conference proceedings

  1. Miletić, V., Nikolić, P. & Kinkela, D. Structure-based Molecular Docking in the Identification of Novel Inhibitors Targeting SARS-CoV-2 Main Protease. in 2021 44th International Convention on Information, Communication, and Electronic Technology (MIPRO), 435–440 (2021). doi:10.23919/MIPRO52101.2021.9596660 (Scopus, conference paper citations: 2)
  2. Miletić, V., Ašenbrener Katić, M. & Svedružić, Ž. High-throughput Virtual Screening Web Service Development for SARS-CoV-2 Drug Design. in 2020 43rd International Convention on Information, Communication, and Electronic Technology (MIPRO), 371–376 (2020). doi:10.23919/MIPRO48935.2020.9245082 (Scopus, conference paper citations: 1)
  3. Miletić, V., Šubić, T. & Mikac, B. Optimizing maximum shared risk link group disjoint path algorithm using NVIDIA CUDA heterogeneous parallel programming platform. in Proceedings on the 2014 X International Symposium on Telecommunications (BIHTEL) (ed. Mrdović, S.; University of Sarajevo, Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina), 1–6 (IEEE, 2014). doi:10.1109/BIHTEL.2014.6987645
  4. Miletić, V., Holenko Dlab, M. & Hoić-Božić, N. Optimizing ELARS Algorithms Using NVIDIA CUDA Heterogeneous Parallel Programming Platform. in ICT Innovations 2014, Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing (eds. Bogdanova, A. M. & Gjorgjevikj, D.; University of Skopje, Berlin, Heidelberg) 311, 135–144 (Springer International Publishing, 2015). doi:10.1007/978-3-319-09879-1_14
  5. Miletić, V., Maniadakis, D., Mikac, B. & Varoutas, D. On the influence of the underlying network topology on optical telecommunication network availability under shared risk link group failures. in Proceedings of the 2014 10th International Conference on the Design of Reliable Communication Networks (DRCN) (ed. Van Daele, P.; University of Ghent, Ghent, Belgium), 1–8 (IEEE, 2014). doi:10.1109/DRCN.2014.6816135
  6. Miletić, V., Mikac, B. & Džanko, M. Impact evaluation of physical length of shared risk link groups on optical network availability using Monte Carlo simulation. in Proceedings of the 2013 18th European Conference on Networks and Optical Communications (NOC) and 8th Conference on Optical Cabling & Infrastructure (OC&I) (ed. Leitgeb, E.; Technical University Graz, Graz, Austria), 249–256 (IEEE, 2013). doi:10.1109/NOC-OCI.2013.6582897
  7. Džanko, M., Mikac, B., Miletić, V., Gonzalez, N. A., Zervas, G. S. & Simeonidou, D. Analytical and simulation availability models of ROADM architectures. in Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Telecommunications (ConTEL) (eds. Pripužić, K. & Banek, M.; University of Zagreb, Zagreb, Croatia), 39–45 (IEEE, 2013).
  8. Miletić, V., Mikac, B. & Džanko, M. Modelling optical network components: A network simulator-based approach. in Proceedings on the 2012 IX International Symposium on Telecommunications (BIHTEL) (ed. Mrdović, S.; University of Sarajevo, Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina), 1–6 (IEEE, 2012). doi:10.1109/BIHTEL.2012.6412064
  9. Džanko, M., Mikac, B. & Miletić, V. Availability of all-optical switching fabrics used in optical cross-connects. in Proceedings on the 35th Convention International MIPRO 2012 (ed. Golubić, S.; MIPRO, Opatija, Croatia), 613–617 (IEEE, 2012).

Abstracts in conference proceedings

  1. Koren, R., Martinović, M., Nikolić, P., Odorčić, I., Ostojić, L., Visentin, D., Vrbnjak, K., Miletić, V. & Svedružić, Ž. M. Supercomputers as microscopes for the 21st century: substrate channeling, epigenetic regulation, and molecular basis of Alzheimer's disease. in 27HSKIKI Book of Abstracts, Zagreb, Croatia (Croatian Chemical Society, 2021).
  2. Miletić, V., Páll, S. & Gräter, F. LLVM AMDGPU for High Performance Computing: are we competitive yet? in 2017 European LLVM Developers' Meeting, Saarbrücken, Germany (2017). Recording of the talk
  3. Miletić, V., Páll, S. & Gräter, F. Towards fully open source GPU accelerated molecular dynamics simulation. in 2016 European LLVM Developers' Meeting, Barcelona, Spain (2016). Recording of the talk
  4. Nikolić, P., Miletić, V. & Svedružić, Ž. M. DNA Methyltransferase Dnmt1: Regulation of Substrate Selectivity. in 6th OEGMBT Annual Meeting 2014 Abstract Book (eds. Khassidov, A., Glaser, W. & Klimek, C.; Austrian Association of Molecular Life Sciences; Biotechnology; Servicebetrieb ÖH-Uni Graz GmbH, Vienna, Austria), 129 (2014).

Professional papers and conference presentations

  1. Škarica, M., Ašenbrener Katić, M. & Miletić, V. Primjena kviza u nastavi matematike. in 2021 44th International Convention on Information, Communication, and Electronic Technology (MIPRO), 996–1000 (2021).
  2. Jakupović A., Čandrlić S., Šumanm, S, Ašenbrener Katić. M., Jakšić, D., Načinović Prskalo, L., Slavuj, V., Miletić, V., Kaluža, M., Davidović, V., Širola, D., Rafajac, O., Pobar, M. & Malnar, D. Ogledni primjer web aplikacije Veleri-OI Meteo System razvijene za potrebe obrazovnog programa Veleri-OI IoT School. in Razvoj poslovnih i informatičkih sustava CASE 2021, edited by Mislav Polonijo, 61–73. Zagreb, Croatia (CASE, 2021).
  3. Miletić, V., Kovačić, B. & Lenković, K. PG-Strom: primjena tehnologije paralelnog programiranja NVIDIA CUDA na sustav za upravljanje bazom podataka PostgreSQL. in Razvoj poslovnih i informatičkih sustava CASE 25, edited by Mislav Polonijo, 53–59. Zagreb, Croatia (CASE, 2013).
  1. Miletić, V. Slobodni softver otvorenog koda – nositelj inovativnosti. in Sveučilišni list Universitas 70, edited by Tomislav Čižmić-Marović, 24. Split, Croatia (University of Split, 2015).
  2. Miletić, V. Open source računalna kemija, Primatijada 2015
  3. Miletić, V. Ratovi web preglednika. in Sveučilišni list Universitas 65, edited by Tomislav Čižmić-Marović, 18–19. Split, Croatia (University of Split, 2015).
  4. Miletić, V. Kako su "neozbiljne" računalne igre razvile vrlo ozbiljnu tehnologiju korištenu u istraživanjima u računalnoj kemiji, biologiji i fizici. in Primatijada 2014, Poreč, Croatia (SZ PMF, 2014).
  5. Miletić, V. Možemo li predvidjeti (i spriječiti) prekid rada telekomunikacijske mreže?, Dan Novih Tehnologija (DaNTe) 2013, edited by Petar Biljanović, 1. Rijeka, Croatia (MIPRO/IEEE, 2013).
  1. GASERI - znanost i industrija, eksaskalarna računala, trendovi u IT-u: Vedran Miletić and Matea Turalija interviewed by Lana Miličević and Darijan Jelušić of IEEE Student Branch Rijeka, RiThinking STEM Podcast, 2023.
  2. The challenges of the upcoming exascale supercomputing era in computational biochemistry, Research Class of Faculty of Informatics and Digital Technologies, University of Rijeka, 2022. Slides of the talk
  3. Evolucija studija informatike, #2 unConference IT zajednice Rijeka, 2021. Slides of the talk
  4. Od Aleksandrijske knjižnice do programskih knjižnica na GitHubu, Otvoreni dan sveučilišnih odjela, 2020. Slides of the talk
  5. Adventures in failure with the Dell PowerEdge R610 server (with Vlad): part 1, part 2, and part 3, MTS, 2020.
  6. The development of RxDock web server and the future of scalable pharmaceutical research in the cloud, Seminar of School of Chemical Sciences, University of Auckland, 2020.
  7. Design of drugs using RxDock high-throughput molecular docking software, Seminar of Department of Biotechnology, University of Rijeka, 2020.
  8. OpenClass podcast: Novosti u Blenderu 2.80 (Sanja Božić interviewed by Vedran Miletić), HULK Rijeka OpenClass, 2019.
  9. OpenClass: Forkanje projekata slobodnog softvera otvorenog koda, HULK Rijeka OpenClass, 2019.
  10. State of open source AMD GPU drivers, DORS/CLUC, 2019.
  11. Dan slobode računalne grafike i računanja na grafičkim procesorima, Graphics and Compute Freedom Day 2018, HULK Rijeka OpenClass, 2018.
  12. Umiru li vlasničke tehnologije u softveru i šire? (predavanje) i (diskusija), Skeptici u pubu, 2015.
  13. Secure Boot: the good, the bad, and, DORS/CLUC, 2015.
  14. Ratovi web preglednika, Otvoreni dan sveučilišnih odjela, 2015.
  15. Dan slobode dokumenata, LibreOffice, OpenDocument i PDF, Document Freedom Day 2015 (Dani digitalne slobode), HULK Rijeka OpenClass, 2015.
  16. Savršena oluja, Rikon, 2014.
  17. Open source računalna kemija (with Patrik Nikolić), LKLK, 2014.
  18. NVIDIA CUDA ekosustav: što je tu open, a što baš i ne?, DORS/CLUC, 2014.
  19. Mrežni simulator ns-3: mogućnosti i unutarnji dizajn, DORS/CLUC, 2012.
  20. LuaTeX i ConTeXt MkIV: TeX is still alive and kicking, DORS/CLUC, 2011.

Mentions in research paper acknowledgments

  1. Turalija, M., Petrović, M. & Kovačić, B. Towards General-Purpose Long-Timescale Molecular Dynamics Simulation on Exascale Supercomputers with Data Processing Units. in 2022 45th Jubilee International Convention on Information, Communication, and Electronic Technology (MIPRO), 300–306 (2022). doi:10.23919/MIPRO55190.2022.9803537 (Scopus, conference paper citations: 1)
  2. Rennekamp, B., Kutzki, F., Obarska-Kosinska, A., Zapp, C. & Gräter, F. Hybrid Kinetic Monte Carlo/Molecular Dynamics Simulations of Bond Scissions in Proteins. J. Chem. Theory Comput. 16(1), 553-563 (2020). doi:10.1021/acs.jctc.9b00786 (WoSCC-SCIE, JIF: 6.006 -> Q2, article citations: 11)

Open-source software contributions

Software projects are listed in alphabetical order. Selected contributions are listed in reverse chronological order.

Apache HTTP Server

Description: home page, Wikipedia page.

Revisions listed from repository on Apache-SVN:

  • revision 1897297: Patch from Vedran Miletić. Notes version when this is supported.


Description: home page, Wikipedia page.

Commits listed from repository on GitHub:


Description: home page, Wikipedia page.

Commits listed from repository on GitHub:


Description: home page.

Commits listed from repository on GitHub:


Description: home page, Wikipedia page.

Commits listed from doc repository on FreeBSD cgit:


Description: home page, Wikipedia page.

Commits listed from repository on GitLab:


Description: home page, Wikipedia page.

Commits listed from repository on GitHub:


Description: home page, Wikipedia page.

Commits listed from repository torvalds/linux.git:

  • commit 67679b1fd166da8398e70b7dbffe12cfccf9c7bf: ALSA: emu10k1: fix coding style for emu10k1_main.c


    I fixed all of coding style errors and some warnings, now it is down to: --no-tree --file --strict --terse emu10k1_main.c
    total: 0 errors, 62 warnings, 7 checks, 2075 lines checked

    Signed-off-by: Vedran Miletic
    Signed-off-by: Takashi Iwai

  • commit 718a2594b6a8c1c050fea85abbb4932b11105c17: ALSA: emu10k1: fix faulty commit 18c71092


    Commit 18c7109289625106cdc810b20b628cd13b46d6dd had #endif leftoff from compilation. This patch fixes it.

    Also, I replaced a misplaced comment by a useful one, that explains why are here #ifdef and #endif added in compilation.

    Signed-off-by: Vedran Miletic
    Signed-off-by: Takashi Iwai

  • commit 18c7109289625106cdc810b20b628cd13b46d6dd: ALSA: emu10k1: fix device names for Live!/Audigy1/2/4/E-mu

    • added missing SBxxxx, CTxxxx, PCxxx and MAEMxxxx where they were missing, and fixed some of them which were wrong (according to kx.inf, which is pretty accurate compared to anything out there)
    • fixed device names to make them more consistent across various cards
    • fixed order of devices where appropriate

    Signed-off-by: Vedran Miletic
    Signed-off-by: Takashi Iwai

  • commit 19c009aad0ddeaa6a4ba41577022301f18d43afa: ALSA: hda: add more board-specific information for Realtek ALC662 rev1


    I recently got a chance to play with two boards with ALC662 rev1:

    • BIOSTAR TA780G M2+
    • ASROCK K10N78FullHD-hSLI R3.0

    Both use 3 stack, 6ch mode with digital out. Since autodetection isn't able to figure that out from BIOS, we need to specify that manually.

    Signed-off-by: Vedran Miletic
    Signed-off-by: Takashi Iwai
    Signed-off-by: Jaroslav Kysela

  • commit b636a1d947c7f1bb0e0a157663e08ce3e49b2e52: ALSA: cs46xx: Add PCI IDs for TerraTec and Hercules cards


    This patch adds PCI IDs for:

    • TerraTec DMX XFire 1024
    • Hercules Gamesurround Fortissimo II
    • Hercules Gamesurround Fortissimo III 7.1

    All those cards were supported as generic CS46xx device, so they will work as before. I'm pretty sure that first two cards work, as they have same hardware design as reference card. Not sure about Fortissimo III, but this won't break it if it worked.

    Tested on TerraTec DMX XFire 1024.

    Signed-off-by: Vedran Miletic
    Signed-off-by: Takashi Iwai
    Signed-off-by: Jaroslav Kysela

  • commit cc67b7f737103a2985e65e00edfdd1a5f89c3af5: ALSA: ice1712/ice1724: Coding style fixes part 1 (more coming up)


    Inspired by Alexander Beregalov's patches for wtm and aureon.c, I decided to run checkpatch on some more files. After some work --no-tree --file --strict <file> reports

    0 errors, 0 warnings, 0 checks, n lines checked for:
    juli.c (1 check about unused code, maybe we should comment it)
    juli.h (no changes necessary)

    In other files I have just fixed // comments and long lines along the way (but not all of them), more coming up.

    Signed-off-by: Vedran Miletic
    Signed-off-by: Takashi Iwai
    Signed-off-by: Jaroslav Kysela

  • commit eee75a6ca77a729c26258649abe992c15a6c76f6: ALSA: ice1724: Enable MIDI on TerraTec PHASE 22 and PHASE 28


    Even though MIDI was fixed on ice1724 chips a while ago, it wasn't yet enabled for some cards as it didn't get enough testing. This was tested with MIDI keyboard on PHASE 22 and with looping back output to input and it works stable, so it's safe to enable it.

    Besides this, there are some more minor fixes, not exactly user visible:

    • added info about PHASE 28 (collected, as I don't have a card)
    • added info about TS22PCI and new revisions of PHASE 22
    • disable 192k on PHASE 22 as AK4524 I2S doesn't support it
    • enable SPDIF reciever on PHASE 22

    Signed-off-by: Vedran Miletic
    Signed-off-by: Takashi Iwai
    Signed-off-by: Jaroslav Kysela


Description: home page, Wikipedia page.

Commits listed from repository on GitHub:

  • commit ad21f2687dcca2199a5b2bd9b7f04486008ece16: [AMDGPU] Add custom lowering for llvm.log{,10}.{f16,f32} intrinsics


    AMDGPU backend errors with "unsupported call to function" upon encountering a call to llvm.log{,10}.{f16,f32} intrinsics. This patch adds custom lowering to avoid that error on both R600 and SI.

    Reviewers: arsenm, jvesely

    Subscribers: tstellar

    Differential Revision:

    llvm-svn: 319025

  • commit 79b7f4c1250dfe779bbb44259e9c649dba276437: Add gfx900 (Vega, Raven)


    Sort amdgcn-- and amdgcn--amdhsa in a consistent way.

    llvm-svn: 319017

  • commit 9df2b9781c1f963b692defb884cb4fd4e9352c41: math: Add native_rsqrt builtin function


    Trivial define to rsqrt.

    Patch by Vedran Miletić

    llvm-svn: 294608

  • commit d8f7ea381f8958b94d3eb82103be427e8a283347: AMDGPU: Enable FeatureFlatForGlobal on Volcanic Islands


    Accomplishes what r292982 was supposed to, which ended up only really making the necessary test changes.

    This should be applied to the 4.0 branch.

    Patch by Vedran Miletić

    llvm-svn: 293310

  • commit 88d7da01ca7af18ed6bd446d388999bf9668a3cf: AMDGPU: Handle structs directly in AMDGPUABIInfo


    Structs are currently handled as pointer + byval, which makes AMDGPU LLVM backend generate incorrect code when structs are used. This patch changes struct argument to be handled directly and without flattening, which Clover (Mesa 3D Gallium OpenCL state tracker) will be able to handle. Flattening would expand the struct to individual elements and pass each as a separate argument, which Clover can not handle. Furthermore, such expansion does not fit the OpenCL programming model which requires to explicitely specify each argument index, size and memory location.

    Patch by Vedran Miletić

    llvm-svn: 279463

  • commit 43ab9a00eb165625e07c1bc92afcfb521e926b1d: [OpenCL] Output OpenCL version in diagnostics.


    Diagnostics should note version dependent issues by giving a hint about current version being compiled for.

    This patch changes diagnostics of static storage class specifier and generic type qualifier to specify OpenCL version as well as converts other diagnostics to match the style.

    Patch by Vedran Miletic!


    llvm-svn: 269305

  • commit c374cb76f467f01a3f60740703f995a0e1f7a89a: math: Add erf ported from amd-builtins


    The scalar float/double function bodies are a direct copy/paste, aside from the removed (optional) code in float function body that requires subnormals.

    reviewers: jvesely

    Patch by: Vedran Miletić

    llvm-svn: 268766

  • commit 3ec09e61d1c823837fbf442c83865673cbbf59c8: AMDGPU: Document address space mapping


    Address space mapping is described in lib/Target/AMDGPU/AMDGPU.h in Doxygen comments. This patch adds the description to user guide for AMDGPU back-end.

    Patch By: Vedran Miletić

    Reviewers: tstellarAMD, arsenm

    Subscribers: llvm-commits

    Differential Revision:

    llvm-svn: 265500

  • commit 354a43c7bc562a4c67439a02e4bd717fb49a5857: AMDGPU: Implement {BUFFER,FLAT}_ATOMIC_CMPSWAP{,_X2}


    Implement BUFFER_ATOMIC_CMPSWAP{,_X2} instructions on all GCN targets, and FLAT_ATOMIC_CMPSWAP{,_X2} on CI +.

    32-bit instruction variants tested manually on Kabini and Bonaire. Tests and parts of code provided by Jan Veselý.

    Patch by: Vedran Miletić

    Reviewers: arsenm, tstellarAMD, nhaehnle

    Subscribers: jvesely, scchan, kanarayan, arsenm

    Differential Revision:

    llvm-svn: 265170


Description: home page, Wikipedia page.

Commits listed from repository on GitLab:

  • commit d9fef848a651b47520cbeb72c38b93d4fbf842a8: clover: Use Clang's diagnostics


    Presently errors from frontend are handled only if they occur in clang::CompilerInvocation::CreateFromArgs(). This patch uses clang::DiagnosticsEngine to detect errors such as invalid values for Clang frontend arguments.

    Fixes Piglit's cl/program/build/fail/ test.

    v2: fix inconsistent code formatting

    Signed-off-by: Vedran Miletić
    Reviewed-by: Francisco Jerez
    Tested-by: Aaron Watry

  • commit 95ddb37708ca16ccbd0f607d17a82be2de0d07b6: clover: Restore support for LLVM <= 3.9.


    The commit 8e430ff8b060b4e8e922bae24b3c57837da6ea77 broke support for LLVM 3.9 and older versions in Clover. This patch restores it and refactors the support using Clover compatibility layer for LLVM.

    v2: merged #ifdef blocks
    v3: added support for LLVM 3.6-3.8
    v4: add missing #ifdef around
    v5: simplify using templates and lambda

    Signed-off-by: Vedran Miletić
    Tested-by[v4]: Pierre Moreau
    Tested-by: Vinson Lee
    Reviewed-by: Francisco Jerez
    Reviewed-by: Jan Vesely

  • commit 8e430ff8b060b4e8e922bae24b3c57837da6ea77: clover: adapt to new error API since LLVM r286752


    Tested-by: Dieter Nützel

  • commit 2fba72046da09dd28f54df02794b358773899d13: clover: Introduce CLOVER_EXTRA_*_OPTIONS environment variables


    The options specified in the CLOVER_EXTRA_BUILD_OPTIONS shell variable are appended to the options specified by the OpenCL program in the clBuildProgram function call, if any. Analogously, the options specified in the CLOVER_EXTRA_COMPILE_OPTIONS and CLOVER_EXTRA_LINK_OPTIONS variables are appended to the options specified in clCompileProgram and clLinkProgram function calls, respectively.


    • use debug_get_option
    • append to linker options as well

    v3: code cleanups

    v4: separate CLOVER_EXTRA_LINKER_OPTIONS options


    • fix documentation typo
    • use CLOVER_EXTRA_COMPILER_OPTIONS in link stage


    • append options in cl{Build,Compile,Link}Program

    Signed-off-by: Vedran Miletić
    Reviewed-by[v1]: Edward O'Callaghan

    v7 [Francisco Jerez]: Slight simplification.

    Reviewed-by: Francisco Jerez

  • commit e3272865c216933168e6c08766d266a33d0e1497: clover: Pass unquoted compiler arguments to Clang


    OpenCL apps can quote arguments they pass to the OpenCL compiler, most commonly include paths containing spaces.

    If the Clang OpenCL compiler was called via a shell, the shell would split the arguments with respect to to quotes and then remove quotes before passing the arguments to the compiler. Since we call Clang as a library, we have to split the argument with respect to quotes and then remove quotes before passing the arguments.

    v2: move to tokenize(), remove throwing of CL_INVALID_COMPILER_OPTIONS

    v3: simplify parsing logic, use more C++11

    v4: restore error throwing, clarify a comment

    Signed-off-by: Vedran Miletić
    Reviewed-by: Francisco Jerez

  • commit 7b9a0f4e38b6b64a91ed0e674410af962b390120: mesa: standardize naming Mesa3D, MESA -> Mesa


    Signed-off-by: Vedran Miletić
    Reviewed-by: Edward O'Callaghan

  • commit 82e0bbd01abfb2073519941d9893fa6ac05fb58c: clover: Fix build against clang SVN >= r273191


    setLangDefaults() now requires PreprocessorOptions as an argument.

    Reviewed-and-Tested-by: Michel Dänzer

  • commit 4825264f75c83576f251290547f121f066b46a70: clover: Update OpenCL version string to match OpenGL


    Change MESA into Mesa in CL_PLATFORM_VERSION and CL_DEVICE_VERSION. For both, always append git version suffix from git_sha1.h.

    v5: move semicolon to same line as MESA_GIT_SHA1.
    v4: drop #ifdef guards.
    v3: add missing include.
    v2: change CL_DEVICE_VERSION as well.

    Reviewed-by: Francisco Jerez


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Author: Vedran Miletić