Cross-building and cross-testing GROMACS for Windows on Linux with MinGW and Wine
Photo source: Katerina (@kat_katerina) | Unsplash
GROMACS 2025.1 (doi:10.5281/zenodo.15006630) bugfix release came out on Tuesday with a few bugfixes. Among them is a fix for energy correction map (CMAP) parsing code, a feature which I introduced in 2025 release in preparation for adding a converted version of Amber ff19SB force field (doi:10.1021/acs.jctc.9b00591) to GROMACS.
The fix for the issue also added several tests to avoid future regressions. I like developing free and open-source software in general and GROMACS in particular; it feels a lot like the postdoc years in Heidelberg again. However, that was not the only change I proposed that got merged for the bugfix release.